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Where is Todd? | Town of Parker Engineering/Public Works - Traffic

# Fall 2020

Welcome to my series where I take a personal look as I interview people and organizations to get their perspective on how their efforts impact and ultimately makes the Town of Parker the fantastic place that it is.


Recently I met with Tom Williams, Director of Engineering and Public Works for the Town of Parker. This department does it all. From Street Maintenance, building bridges, traffic lights...the list goes on and on.

Even more impressive is all the projects they have worked on over the years.

Past 10 Years (2009 to 2019) Worth of Projects:

The following focuses on specific areas of the department.


Support an Active Community

• Completed a policy document on pedestrian crossing treatments including Town Council adoption via resolution. These guidelines help identify which type of signage or enhanced equipment such as flashers are appropriate for all road crossings.

Promote a Safe and Healthy Community

• Performed in excess of 12,000 underground utility locate tickets for contractors and homeowners.

• Ongoing operation and maintenance of 91 traffic signals, 44 school flashers, and thousands of street signs.

• Completed initial installations of new Flashing Yellow Arrow (FYA) operation at 3 intersections. Chambers/Mainstreet, Lincoln/Jordan and Chambers/cottonwood. FYA has the ability to operate in different modes by time of day which can enhance safety and allow efficiency.

• Using the accident analysis protocols, identified Jordan/Village Center as high accident location. Working with Douglas County Staff on mitigation measures.

• Continued deployment of devices to keep traffic signal indications clear of snow during blowing snow events. These devices provide noticeably better visibility under wet snow/blowing snow head packed conditions.

• Replaced all end of life light poles on Parker Square Drive, and update light source to better LED luminaries.

• Completed project to replace first 1/8 of signs in Parker to meet night time retro reflectivity requirements. This keeps signs visible to drivers at night.

Innovate with Collaborative Governance

• Installed first phase of Traffic Responsive traffic signal operational equipment and associated signal timings. This will allow the traffic signals along Parker Road and crossing arterials to select timings in real time based on measured traffic flow rather than selecting timings based on historical averages.

• Expanded deployment travel time monitoring system. Links between 21 traffic signals are operational. Worked with vendor on improved real-time travel time alerts.

• Worked with the Douglas County School District on updates to circulation and other site issues at Legacy Point Elementary, and American Academy-20-Mile Campus.

• Continued expansion and installation of new Ethernet switch equipment to support automated redundant paths between all traffic signals as well as the building to building path used by the Information Technology Dept. Proof of success was maintaining good, stable communications throughout Town despite 4 main fiber optic lines having simultaneous damages.

Develop a Visionary Community Through Balanced Growth

• Completed signal timing modifications throughout Parker to better serve traffic. All timings on Hess Road were revised as of November 2019.

• Installed signage in support of the Residential Permit parking initiative in the Legend High School area.

• Completed traffic signal warrant studies to review if signals are appropriate at several locations. Identified Chambers/Grasslands as a new signal to be built in 2020.

• Constructed 1 new traffic signal: Hess/19500 block (Country Meadows commercial area).

2020 GOALS

Support an Active Community

• Complete design of mid-block trail crossing of Jordan Road in Cottonwood neighborhood.

Promote a Safe and Healthy Community

• Install new traffic signal at Chambers/Grasslands.

• Complete Warrant studies of 6 relatively high volume locations to see if new signals are needed.

• Continued sign replacements in 1/8th of Town to keep sign retro reflectivity within appropriate limits.

• Upgrade obsolete traffic signal cabinets and detection at 4 locations.

• Expand use of snow shedding traffic signal faces to Chambers Road and Crown Crest Blvd.

• Identify hazardous trees in Anthology neighborhood and remove those to enhance road

safety. Following same compensation program for homeowners as previous similar effort in Idyllwilde.

• Continue accident analysis of all signalized intersections in Parker, and make modifications where accident reduction may be achieved.

Innovative Governing in a Collaborative Community

• Work on upgraded fiber optic communications network including replacing end of life switch gear.

• Deploy new traffic responsive technology and counting equipment to enhance real time Traffic Responsive signal operations.

• Continued expansion of travel time monitoring system. Investigate options for making data public facing.

Develop a Visionary Community Through Balanced Growth

• Take concept level for Downtown circulation into design phase. Work towards a lasting solution to traffic congestion and safety concerns through downtown Parker.

Enhance Economic Vitality

• Collect new traffic counts for map of traffic volumes used by the business community and general public.



Todd Hendreks

Town of Parker Town Council Candidate Fall 2020


Facebook: hendreks4parker

Facebook Group: Parker Data Hub

Instagram: hendreks4parker


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