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About Todd

My name is Todd Hendreks and as a Twenty year resident and current Councilmember, I am running for a second term for The Town of Parker this Fall 2024!


Born: Houston, Texas

Age: 51

Family: Wife, Son (17), Daughter (15), and one dog (Piper)

Political Party: Unaffiliated (Lean Right, Issues range from Conservative to Moderate). Note: Local elections are non-partisan. 


Colorado Resident: 25 years

Parker Resident: 20 years

College Degrees:


  • Texas A&M University | Bachelors Degree in Information Technology

  • University of Colorado - Denver | Masters Degree in Business Administration  

Information Technology with focus on Data Analytics & Business Intelligence. I have worked in various industries for Fortune 500 companies, smaller companies, along with being self employed as a Consultant.


And now, a story:

I grew up in Texas and moved to Colorado in 1999 in search of a better life and found it here in spades. I have lived in Parker for twenty years, since 2004, where I have certainly seen some changes in that span. My wife and I decided to raise a family here and have had zero regrets moving to what has been a consistently highly ranked Town according to various State and Nationwide polls over the years.

After my kids got older, I wanted to become more involved with the Town. It started by going to a local coffee shop and seeing elected officials, so I would bug them about this or that. From there, I started attending various Town Council and Planning Commission Meetings, Town Halls, Open Houses. Essentially, I embraced the "small town feel" that defines Parker and I started talking to elected officials, business owners and ordinary citizens like myself in order to become more informed. Why was this decision made, how are things done, what would you like to see etc.?


To me, that is the essence of what makes Parker great, the people. To that end, I am proud of the relationships I have made because for me that is exactly what the "small town feel" is....get to know your neighbors. Isn't that what it should all about?

I have a motto that I use on my Facebook group, Parker Data Hub, which is: "An Informed Citizen Makes For a Better Citizen". That group was created to share facts, news and other information to help other citizens become informed and educated on local matters.

To that end, I started to walk the walk and actually become more involved over the last several years. 


Who would you rather have represent you for a position in office? Someone who appears only during election cycles and then disappears from the community if they did not win a seat? Or someone that is active between election cycles and does the actual work to learn how the community functions or wants to make Parker better?

My belief is that it is critical for someone who seeks office to immerse themselves into the fabric of the community first before taking such an important leap.  Having been elected in 2020 validates my belief and I feel I am one of the best candidate choices as I have educated myself and worked countless hours to make our town a better place.

Community Service:


- Town of Parker Councilmember

- Town of Parker Liaison to Parker Senior Center
- Town of Parker Planning Commissioner
- Town of Parker Cultural & Scientific Commissioner

- Parker Civic Academy Graduate
- Parker Police Citizens Academy Graduate
- COPPS (Citizens Offering Parker Police Support) 
- Cherry Creek Valley Rotary Club of Parker Treasurer & Fundraiser
  (Parker Brewfest - $450K+ raised for charities!)
- St. Baldrick's Fundraiser ($14K+ raised to fight pediatric cancer!)
- Youth Lacrosse Head Coach (Parker Hawks)
- Downtown Business Alliance Board Member (Community Representative)
- Parker Task Force Volunteer
- Hidden River III HOA Social Chair
- Parker Data Hub (Community Facebook Group) Creator


So why am I running?

I want to continue serving my community at a higher level and make it a better place than when I arrived for my family, your family and all residents.

My career in IT spans twenty+ years, having done nerdy computer things since college. I have no "secret agenda". I am a normal Family man / Everyday citizen who is active in the community.


Parker is a pretty darn special place. From the trails and open space, the PACE Center, Fieldhouse, Rec Center, numerous businesses run by neighbors, our Police Department...the list goes on and on. 

I would be honored to continue to represent YOU in Town Council!


Carpe Diem,

Todd Hendreks 
2024 Town of Parker
Town Councilmember and Candidate


FB Group: Parker Data Hub
FB Page: hendreks4parker
Instagram: hendreks4parker

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